Tips for Helping Your Child Through Drop-in Care

It's not always easy for kids to adjust to new places, so here are a few tips from other parents on how to help your kids look forward to a fun day at daycare.

The Golden Tip: 

Get to know your backup daycares before you need backup childcare.

All of our daycares licensed but everyone has personal preferences, so we recommend building relationships with a few daycares before you need backup care. Visiting them would give you peace of mind and your little one would find comfort in a familiar place.

What that said, we don't always of the luxury of getting to know our backup caregiver, so here are more tips to help along the way.

Before the Drop-In:
  • Starting a few days before the drop-in, tell your child about it and talk about all the new toys and friends your little one will make.
  • On the day of care, walk your child through the day, so your child knows what to expect.
  • Arrive early, so your child has ample time so settle in.

At the Daycare:
  • Let your child slowly take in the new space and children while you talk to the teacher about admission forms and plans for the day.
  • Help your child find a toy or activity he/she likes, and explain that you’re leaving soon, and that you’ll be back as usual. 
  • You could start in an outdoor play area because many kids are calmed by the outdoors. 
  • Meal times are also a good time for transitions, try planning drop off based on the daycares breakfast.
  • When the time comes for you to leave, let the teacher know so there is someone to help you, and say a firm (and brave) goodbye. Leave with kisses and smiles. 
  • Be sure to make it quick and don’t linger. It’s best to make sure your child knows you’re leaving, so your child doesn’t develop a fear of you leaving unexpectedly.

After Dropping Off:

  • Most teachers will keep you updated throughout the day, so you’ll get to see into your child’s day. Check with the teacher to see what’s the best way for both of you to check in and get updates.
  • And finally, get ready for big hugs and happy smiles when you return.


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